(+244) 945 141 260 / (+244) 947 459 742 geral@lubritec-angola.com

Privacy Policy

This Personal Data Protection Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data carried out by Lubritec and seeks to explain clearly the personal information we may request and what we do with it, because we want all users whose personal data is processed by us to be able to trust that their privacy is respected and that due care is taken regarding their personal data.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Data" means any information by which you can be personally identified, and includes, without limitation, your name, surname, address, telephone number, email contact, age, date of birth, gender and occupation.

Our privacy practices reflect current principles and standards for the treatment of personal data. These principles include notice of data use and choice of data use, data access, data integrity, security, transfer of personal data and application/fiscalisation.

By accessing and using this website, you expressly agree to the terms of this Personal Data Protection Policy. We advise you to read this information carefully since, if you are accessing our website the provision of your personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein. Therefore, by providing your personal data, you are authorising the collection, use and disclosure of the same in accordance with the rules set out herein.

Lubritec reserves the right to modify or periodically update its Data Protection Policy to adapt it to legislative changes as well as to sector practices. In this case, Lubritec will advertise the modifications or updates introduced on its website.

In any case, Lubritec invites users to consult its Data Protection Policy on a regular basis.
Collection and processing of your personal data
The entity responsible for processing the personal data is Lubritec

The Customer is guaranteed the right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation and portability of his personal data. The exercise of these rights can be requested through (+244) 945 141 260 or by written request sent to Lubritec, Viana Park , Rua 4, Armazém 9, Viana, Luanda or to the address rgpd@lubritec-angola.com.

The website of Lubritec includes a contact form and a budget request form, where the user fills in to request information about products and services. These forms collect information to allow the contact to be returned: Name, Email, Subject and Message. A Lubritec undertakes to use the information provided to you for contact purposes only. The data identified in the Contact Form are indispensable for the provision of the service by Lubritec. The omission or inaccuracy of this data or other information provided by the customer is your sole responsibility.

When you visit our website, we may record your IP address and use cookies, as well as other Internet technologies that allow us to collect general information about our users and their interests.

We may also collect and process any information or data that our users provide to us by subscribing to our newsletter and using our contact form.
Collection and use of technical information
A Lubritec uses cookies, with the prior consent of the user.

Only technical information concerning visits to this website is recorded on our network server. No information is collected that can be used to identify site visitors. The technical information recorded is limited to the following items:

  • The visitor's Internet Protocol (IP) address;
  • The type of Internet browser used by the visitor to the site and the operating system used;
  • The date and time of consultation;
  • The pages visited on the site and the documents downloaded.

The technical information will be used for statistical purposes only.

In addition to the information provided by its users, Lubritec may also collect information during your visit to a website of Lubritec through automated tools that include web beacons, cookies, embedded web links and other commonly used information gathering tools.
Links to other sites
These websites may contain links to other websites not belonging to the Lubritec The provision of such links is made in good faith, and the Lubritec cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data carried out on these websites belonging to third parties.

Thus, the provision of links to other websites outside the Lubritec does not imply any assumption of responsibility with regard to those websites, and therefore this Personal Data Protection Policy is not applicable to such cases.

We therefore advise you to read the Personal Data Protection Policies of the websites you visit.
Purpose of collecting personal data
The personal data collected will be processed on computer and in strict compliance with personal data protection legislation and stored in specific databases set up for the purpose, and under no circumstances will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent has been given by the data subject.

Lubritec uses personal data to identify the customer, communicate changes, conduct satisfaction surveys, compliance with legal obligations to which it is subject, and also, if authorised by the customer, for the marketing of services and / or products, advertising and direct marketing, including by means that allow messages to be received regardless of the intervention of the recipients.
Personal Data Retention Period
The period of time for which data are stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. There are legal requirements that require data to be kept for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, data will be stored and retained only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or further processed, or for the period of time authorised by the National Data Protection Commission, after which it will be deleted.
Sharing of personal data
Lubritec does not share information with business partners, service providers, agents or external resellers, nor does it give its users' personal data to third parties for marketing purposes, unless they have authorised us to do so.
Security of your personal data
Lubritec is committed to ensuring the protection of the security of personal data made available to us, having approved and implemented strict rules in this regard. Compliance with these rules is an obligation for all those who legally access them.

Bearing in mind the great concern and commitment that Lubritec shows in the defence of privacy issues, several security measures, of a technical and organisational nature, have been adopted in order to protect the personal data made available to us against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised processing or access, as well as any form of illicit processing.

In this sense, on our website, the forms for collecting personal data require encrypted browser sessions and all personal data that users give us are stored securely on the systems of Lubritec which, in turn, are in a datacenter covered by all physical and logical security measures, which we consider indispensable for the protection of your personal data.

Notwithstanding the security measures adopted by Lubritec, we warn all those surfing the Internet that they should adopt additional security measures, namely, ensure that they use a PC and a browser updated in terms of properly configured security patches, with active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware and make sure the authenticity of the sites you visit on the Internet, and should avoid web sites in whose reputation they do not trust.
Lubritec communicates regularly with users who subscribe to our services via e-mail, and can also communicate by telephone. Lubritec can use your e-mail address to respond to requests for information expressed by you, information on changes to our products and services, as well as notifications and other publications provided by law. As a rule, users may not opt out of these communications, but they will be primarily informational rather than promotional in nature.

Lubritec gives you the possibility to exercise the cancellation option if you do not wish to receive other types of communication from us, such as e-mails or updates about new services and products offered on this website, or if you do not wish us to share your personal information with third parties.

The cancellation option can be exercised via email rgpd@lubritec-angola.com.
Data retention
Lubritec will not retain the personal data of its users beyond the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected or beyond the time required by law or applicable regulations.
Consultations, access and updating of your personal data
Under the Personal Data Protection Act, the data subject is guaranteed the right to access, update, correct or delete his/her personal data at any time, as well as the right to object to the use of the data provided for marketing purposes, for sending informative communications or for inclusion in lists or information services, and to do so, if he/she has not done so at the time of collection, he/she must send a written request addressed to:


Viana Park, Rua 4, Armazém 9
Viana, Angola

or to the e-mail address: rgpd@lubritec-angola.com

You may obtain additional information or clarify any questions about this Privacy and Personal Data Handling Statement by simply referring your questions to the contacts listed above.

The terms identified above are intended to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April (General Data Protection Regulation) and will therefore only apply from 25 May 2018.
2019 © Lubritec - Lubricants and Technology   |   Resolution of consumer conflicts 2019 © Lubritec - Lubricants and Technology
Resolution of consumer conflicts
Developed by Inovlancer
In the event of a dispute, the consumer can resort to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Body:

CICAP – Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225, Porto
+351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91

More information at Portal do Consumidor www.consumidor.pt